10 Self Improvement Tips

There is never an end to self improvement. The possibilities are endless. There's always room to grow, to improve, more to learn. It's limitless. I strongly feel that it's important to keep learning, to keep growing at any age, at any time, to become better versions of ourselves. There is no limit to what we can achieve. Never forget, you have the power to improve your life. I'm not saying you're not already awesome because you are, that's why these are tips to help you become even more so!

Live In A Tidy Environment

I'm sure you've all heard of the KonMari method by now? Whether or not you take that on board is irrelevant. It's important to keep your home tidy, organised and as clutter free as possible. It not only benefits your health, and mind but it helps you to be more productive and relax easier too. Now go...tidy & declutter your home!

Exercise & Eat Healthier

Make a point to exercise regularly. Write it down, schedule it into your life if you need to. Alongside exercising comes eating healthier. Try to limit your sugar intake, and eat more fruits & veggies! Not only will doing these improve your mood & overall health but they'll genuinely make you feel better about yourself. Always. Now go...start exercising & eat some veggies!

Learn A New Skill

Learning new things is always exciting. The possibilities are endless. Whether you want to learn a new language, a new sport, a creative hobby! Anything. There are so many helpful books & tutorials online. You can do anything! Now go...Write a list of what you've always wanted to learn, and start today!

Help Others

Whether you are just giving someone your time, a shoulder to cry on, donations. There are always times when someone needs a helping hand. There are many ways to give to charity, but not only charities need help. We all need help sometimes. Now go...do something for charity, and when you see someone needs a bit of help, help them.
Stop Thinking Negatively

Everyone has negative thoughts, but we need to learn to deal with them. Not let them fester and build up in our minds. We all need to learn to love ourselves more. Remember "Don't let a bad 5 minutes ruin your entire day" Not just ourselves but we need to stop thinking negatively about other people. Who does that help? What does that solve?! Now go...brush todays negative thoughts off, and move on. Think of all the positives.

Go Outside Everyday

There are so many benefits to being outside. To take a break, breathe in the fresh air. It helps you to focus your mind, think more creatively, improve your mental health and concentration. Now go...get some shoes on and go outside. Go for a quick walk around the block maybe!

Try Yoga Or Meditation

Meditation and Yoga help clear your mind and help you focus on being present. It can calm you, relax you. It's like clearing the clutter in your mind. Meditation and yoga are shown to have huge health benefits, so why not give them a go? Now go...join a yoga class, or watch a meditation demonstration and try for yourself.

Read More Books

Everyone should read more in my opinion. Find books that interest you and get into the habit of reading on a regular basis. The more books you read, the more knowledge you can gain from them. Now go..pick out some books that interest you, and try to get into the habit of reading.

Practice Self Care

Self Care is so important. Taking the time out for yourself. Do things for you. Take a break. Have a bath, watch a movie, read a book. Take in your surroundings and have some down time, just for you. Now go..sit down. Do something that you love, take care of yourself for once.

Set Goals And Smash Them

Set goals on a regular basis, write them down, visualize and plan how you will achieve these goals. Daily goals, long term goals, lifetime goals. You don't even need to tell people when you've achieved them, just give yourself a massive tick on your list and a huge pat on the back. Now go..Write down some goals, and how you will achieve them. 

Is there a new skill you'd really like to learn?

If you love these illustrations (which I know you do!) go follow Lazy.In.The.Sky on Instagram! You won't regret it! 

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