3 Everyday Attempts at Mimicking Nature

Whether you’re renovating your home, buying a new mobile phone, or just trying to fix the ambient lighting in your garden, it can be difficult to escape the myriad of inappropriately designed objects that have tried (and often failed) to replicate nature.

I’m sure that there’s the right Himalayan salt crystal lamp for everyone out there. But unfortunately, most of these attempts to mimic mother nature can just feel rather uncomfortable, like a badly told joke. Here’s a couple of the very worst examples, with a positive one thrown in at the end so we don’t finish on a negative note!

IKEA’s Famous Rock Lamp
IKEA has defined the UK’s flat-pack home furnishing market for some time now. It walks the line between affordability and quality as well as any company could. Granted, sometimes an IKEA purchase only results in a negative experience (the potted plants always seem to die...), but more often than not, you find yourself with a well-designed, functional product.

IKEA is famous for its stylish designs, but due to the sheer quantity of stock produced, one or two anomalies always slip through. In this instance, we’d like to discuss the Solvinden outdoor lamp. I think IKEA could have maybe put a little more effort into camouflaging this lamp. The idea is that you leave it outdoors to charge and it fits perfectly with the rest of your garden. It then lights up at night to provide a warm ambience to your patio/outdoor area. Unfortunately, it looks more like a plain plastic blob than a rock, I wouldn’t be able to avoid chuckling to myself every time I saw it, all ‘inconspicuous’ amongst the flower beds.

The Motorola PEBL
We now move on to this classic from back in the day. The Motorola PEBL was one of the first times we saw technology being marketed as something natural or ‘from nature’. The advert, although quite lengthy, was certainly memorable and depicted the life of the PEBL and how it came to become the latest new flip phone (I can’t believe flip phones were a thing!).

While I can definitely remember many of my friends wanting a PEBL, it certainly wasn’t for its pebble-like features. Yes, it was grey and had a smooth, round shape, but flipping open in the middle really isn’t something you associate with rocks. Nevertheless, it was popular, and as one of the first flip phones it had charm, but this had little to do with how much it replicated a pebble...

The Vype Pebble
Finally, the Vype Pebble: a light at the end of the tunnel in our search for pebble replicas. While the coloured versions of the latest Vype e-cigarette product clearly don’t replicate the colour of pebbles, its ergonomic design means the Vype Pebble fits perfectly and discreetly into your hand (just like a real pebble).
Now that the NHS’s Stoptober campaign is finally promoting the use of e-cigarettes as an effective way to quit smoking, models like the Vype Pebble could experience great popularity.

The Vype Pebble so easy to just pick up and use that it really empowers people to quit smoking. The Stoptober campaign says that if you stop smoking for 28 days straight, then you are five times more likely to give up smoking completely. Devices like the Vype Pebble give smokers a better chance than ever of achieving that goal.

E-cigarettes are quickly becoming the UK’s best option to develop a smoke-free society — something I think every parent would like to see!

*This is a collaborative post*

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