If you're a lover of stationery, I guarantee you have a million notebooks. Perhaps some have a few pages written in, but I bet the majority of them are completely blank! You bought them with the best intentions to make them into something amazing, but right now they are just in a big pile and you don't know what to do with them! I am such a sucker for buying pretty, or useful looking notebooks. So I wanted to share with you some ideas, different ways you can finally start writing in those notebooks and make good use of them! So here's 15 Amazing Uses For Your Empty Notebooks!
1. Bullet Journal
If your notebook is big enough, why not spend some time & turn it into a bullet journal? There are loads of tutorials and ideas on Pinterest or Youtube, I definitely recommend having a look!
2. Dream Diary
Write down your dreams! I really want to start doing this. Jot them down as soon as you wake up from your dreams, and maybe you could even look up to find out what they mean!
3. Quotes That Inspire Your Life
I absolutely love my inspirational quotes, and there's only so much room on my walls! Fill a book with powerful, motivating messages, pictures that make you feel strong and sure - everyone loves inspirational quotes right!
4. Write Love Letters
I remember when I was at school, we used to have our own notebooks where we would write letters to our teachers, and they'd write back. No one else would ever read it. You could do the same sort of things and write love letters to your significant others. I think it's a really sweet idea.
5. Make A Gratitude Journal
Spend some time every day, acknowledging and writing down all the things you are thankful for. It will help you appreciate all the little things in life & count your blessings.
6. Jot Down Your Goals
Write down any goals you have. Things you want to achieve, you can also check things off and log your progress on your way!
7. Blog Post Ideas
If you are a blogger, you could use on of your notebooks to jot down ideas & inspiration for future posts. You could plan ahead for holidays & special occasions too!
8. A Daily Notebook
Jot down your days to-do list, things you want to achieve that day and tick them off! Who doesn't love a good checklist!
9. A Travel Journal
Places you want to go, places you have visited. Jot down all the things you did, what you saw. You could even include little mementos & souvenirs.
10. A Recipe Book
When I first moved into my own flat, my cousin started to fill up a notebook with recipes. Including basic things like measurements. I continued to fill in the notebook for a good few years. Writing down recipes I found online, from family members, from books or magazines. It was really lovely, and a great way to keep all your good recipes in one place. I am so doing this again.
11. Write What YOU Want
Perhaps you like to write poems, or are planning to write a novel. Don't dither around, start now. Get your creative juices flowing.
12. Start A Nature Journal
Record your observations & reflect on them. Collect natural objects, go bird spotting. Sketch what you see. Go wild.
13. Use It As A Sketchbook
Get scribbling & get creative. Use your imagination & just draw.
14. Share Your Memories
Revisit the past, jot down those memories you never want to forget. The sort of things that made you who you are. The things you want to be able to tell your grandchildren. All the good things.
15. Create Moodboards
Use the different pages in a notebook to get the inspiration flowing and create individual moodboards. Seasonal, travel inspired, aspirational - whatever takes your fancy.
Are you a notebook hoarder like me?
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