9 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Child

You can learn so much about life from children. As a child, there was no fear, no stress. It was all about embracing life & enjoying yourself. Then comes adulthood - and the stresses of being an adult. Bills to pay, money to save, errands to run. Life is full of rules & responsibilities. Getting back in touch with your inner child is a great way to relieve yourself from those stresses now and then. Embrace the creativity and vitality that you had as a child, that you still have deep down. Embracing your inner child can even help to heal you from any issues or problems you may have suffered when you were younger. Children know how to express themselves, to enjoy themselves and find joy in the little things.

9 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Child

9 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Child

One thing my family has always done well is learning to embrace your childish side. Now that doesn't necessarily mean you're immature or childish! Having a sense of humour, making sure you're having fun and taking off your adult hat from time to time is a great way to help you live a creative, happier, more meaningful life, so I'm sharing some tips to help you embrace your inner child too. 

Revisit Your Childhood
One fantastic way to embrace your inner child is to relive the childhood you once had - the best bits. I know we all had some moments in our childhood we'd like to forget, but revisiting the good parts can be really enlightening - not to mention that nostalgic feeling! Watch some of your favourite tv shows you loved, visit places you remember visiting as a child, overload on Disney movies, or even enjoy a childhood treat. Chocolate milkshake & a Lunchables anyone?

Share Your Childhood With Your Child
If you're a parent like myself, sharing some moments and items from your childhood can be a really lovely thing to do - for you and your child. Do you have any of your old toys that you used to really love? Why not introduce them to your little ones and explain why you loved them so much. (You don't have to pass them on to them if you don't want to!) Maybe you had some favourite books that you loved as a child, why not see if you can find them & read them to your little ones. 

Recreate Moments
Do you have some special moments from your childhood that you'll never forget? Perhaps an experience or a holiday that you could recreate again, or even a hobby you used to love but for some reason gave up. You could even try recreating some meals or treats that you used to have made for you when you were little?

9 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Child

Go Exploring
Get outdoors and find somewhere new to explore. Take a long walk or even a bike ride and visit somewhere you never have before. Turn down a few roads you've never been down. Take photos, climb some trees. Embrace nature & the great outdoors and have some fun!

Express Your Creativity
If there's one thing children can do well, it's expressing their creative side. Getting messy & creating artwork and projects at every opportunity. Whether that's colouring in, baking mud pies or trying a new craft activity! Expressing your creative side is important for us as adults too! So why not get your chef hat on and bake yourself a treat, try a simple DIY or craft or even purchase one of those adult colouring books and get scribbling.

Follow Your Dreams
Was there something you really wanted as a child, but wouldn't stop keeping on to your parents about it? There's no need to act like a child not getting what they want, but we all have dreams. You know what you want in life, so don't give up on it! Set goals & smash them. Don't back down and chase after your passions, say yes to life and grab it by the horns. The impossible can be possible so go for it!

Be Curious & Take Risks
Children don't always tend to think of the consequences of their actions. Now I'm not saying do something irresponsible, but children don't worry about the future. They don't worry about what might happen, what could happen if you do or don't do something. They decide they want to do something - and do it! Stop worrying about the future and live in the now. Try new things, say yes to life & explore the possibilities. 

Sing & Dance Like Nobody's Watching (or listening!)
A bit of a silly one, but an important one none the less. One of my favourite things to do, especially when I can feel myself getting stressed or I've got a lot of chores to do - is to pop on a happy, cheesy, singalongable playlist. Sing & dance loud & proud! (I'm sure my other half must get annoyed by the amount of Disney songs he has to hear me sing daily! Hahaha)

Embrace Your Inner Child - With Your Child
If you have children of your own, or if not, perhaps a niece or nephew - a great way to relive your childhood and embrace that child inside of you is to get stuck in and play with your little ones. I know for a fact they would love you to sit down on the floor next to them and join in playing with toys, or ask if you can join in their games with them. It's fun for them, and fun for you too!

Do you embrace your inner child often?


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9 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Child

9 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Child

1 comment

Gerald Cook said...

Loved reeading this thanks