DIY Rain Collector Jars {Kids Craft}

Even though we've just had the Summer holidays, there's been plenty of rainy days, and there's definitely more to come as we enter Autumn! What better way to spend those grey days then to get creative with your little ones and make a rain themed craft! Rain collectors are fun ways for your little ones to celebrate the rain and find out new things at the same time. So don't wish the rain away today, as it's the perfect time to play! DIY Rain Collector Jars! 

You Will Need:
* Baby Food Jars
* A Ruler
* Thin Fabric (porous)
* Elastic Bands
* Acrylic Paint

1. Thoroughly clean out the baby food jars and decorate the jars with funny happy faces!
2. (Optional) Use a ruler to mark cm's or inches on the back of the jar - to find out afterward how much rain has been collected!
3. Cut out small circles from thin fabric and use an elastic band to secure the fabric to the top of the jars.
4. Wait for the paint to fully dry and pop your rain collector jars outside.
5. Leave your jars outside for a certain period of time (24 hours/ 7 days) and see how much rain has been collected!

Have you ever used a rain collector before?

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