DIY Make Your Own Bird Feeders Kit

Every year I aim to make a homemade gift for my family members. As my siblings get older, I'm finding it harder to come up with ideas of what to create. My little sister loves arts and crafts, so I thought I'd make her a fun 'kit' with a nature-inspired project and I came across this idea, so I thought I would make a DIY Make Your Own Bird Feeders Kit for her!

As I do a lot of my Christmas shopping, the boxes have really been stacking up, and I've been saving the ones that were a good size and I thought could be reused. I found this fantastic white box that I knew would be perfect for a craft kit. Here's how I made the kit itself.

1. I created the cover image, and the instructions on Picmonkey and printed them out onto card. Glued the cover image onto the front of the box.
2. I then popped some pretty tissue paper into the bottom of the box.
3. I cut out three large-ish heart shapes on thick cardboard, with a hole at the top - and tied some string through them.
4. I filled up a small package with bird seed, and printed out a little label for that too and stuck it on.
5. I then cleaned and sterilised a small jar, allowed in to dry and filled it with peanut butter! (You can also use vegetable shortening - but that's harder to find in the UK!).
6. I popped all the items into the box, gently placed the instructions on top - and all finished!

I must admit, I do sometimes make things that...don't always turn out so great - but I love how this little kit turned out! I hope my little sister enjoys it.

The basic instructions for this project are covering the hearts in peanut butter, sprinkling on the bird seed and hanging them up!

Do you ever make handmade gifts for friends and family?

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