The Rise Of Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has been around for quite some time now, but it's generally just been fairly basic and used in gaming. Over the recent years, virtual reality has really been on the rise. The quality of it has improved rapidly and it is now being used in many more areas. 
Are you planning on moving house soon? The future of real estate and building development is now virtual reality tours! Virtual Reality is really becoming a powerful tool in many different industries nowadays. It's so useful (and it can be fun too!). It's now used in education, gaming, healthcare, film and now even real estate! 
Companies are now able to provide clients with a vr real estate tour without the trouble of having to visit each individual house. It means people are able to view the developments from anywhere in the world, which saves both time and money! It also means that customers can virtually view any changes or adjustments they'd like to make while standing in the very room!
Using a combination of Virtual Reality and architecture mock ups, customers can now view what they will get before the houses are even constructed. (It reminds me of Grand Designs! Haha)
So instead of having to imagine what your home would look like from a bit of paper, or having to physically get there yourself - they'll know exactly what they are getting. It'll help them feel a lot more comfortable and at home by viewing the property.
I've lived in..too many properties over the years, and I can definitely say for a fact that before you move in somewhere, you need to view it. It's all well and good if it has a fantastically amazing description but you never know how you'll feel until you see it. You won't know if it's in a good spot, if you feel comfortable being there, if it feels like you, until you actually see it. I'd have loved to have been given the opportunity to view a home via Virtual Reality! VR is so exciting and unique, and not to mention the fact that as I don't drive - it can be so difficult going from property to property finding the perfect one for you. I'd definitely give it a go if the opportunity presented itself!
Virtual Reality is a unique experience, and I find it fascinating how far it has come, how many genuinely amazing uses it has nowadays!
*This is a collaborative post

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