What My Dad Taught Me ❤️
I wanted to write a little something seeing as it's Fathers Day, about my dad. My dad is a good guy, a really good guy. If you have an amazing father like mine you know how incredibly lucky you are, and my dad is definitely one of the good ones.
He has always been there for me, always. Throughout my childhood, and times in my "adulthood" when I've really messed up. Times I am ashamed to admit, but he's always been there whether or not he wanted to, even though I should have never put him in that position.
Throughout my childhood he was always around. He played with my toys with me, he spent quality time with me watching movies while my mum was at work (and therefore creating my movie obsession). We even played football in the living room at night while my mum wasn't there, then I quickly snuck to bed when she got home. Haha.
He taught me how to ride a bike, he wiped away my tears and stroked my head until I fell asleep. He cleaned up my scrapes & scratches and took splinters out. He gave me all the cuddles a child could possibly ever want. He spent time with me. All the time.
He helped me find my first flat, and move in. He helped me when I struggled. He puts up shelves for me & listens when I need to unwind. He taught me to take care & respect others. That money isn't the be all and end all. He taught me how to embrace your inner child and live in the moment. He started to teach me how to dance before my wedding, and walked me down the aisle.
He taught me many things, but most of all - he taught me how to be a parent.
"No Matter How Old She May Be. Sometimes A Girl Just Needs Her Dad"
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