There are many reasons why we hug others. Whether it's an excited hug, a sad hug, a happy hug, or even a loving hug. Hugging is comforting, it makes us feel loved and happy and there's genuine reasons behind that.
One of the main reasons hugging is beneficial is it causes our oxytocin levels to rise, otherwise known as the 'bonding hormone'. Oxytocin is a particularly important hormone in women. It plays a role during pregnancy, in giving birth, as well as breastfeeding and helping develop a strong maternal bond.
Aside from this, there are a huge variety of reasons why hugging is beneficial for us all, and I'm sharing a few of the more wonderful ways below!
Hugs Help Reduce Stress
Hugging is something we tend to automatically do when a friend or loved one is going through tough times. We want to show them support and by giving them a good cuddle it will not only help to relax them but it will lower their blood pressure to help calm them. Hugging others when they are feeling stressed will help show them you are there to support them too.
Hugging is also fantastic for helping your child if they are having a tough day, or struggling with a tantrum. You may think that by cuddling your child when they are having a tantrum is 'rewarding bad behavior' but that's far from the truth. Your child is only young and they are learning how to manage or regulate their emotions. So hug your child close when you can tell they are stressed. Calm them down, shower them with love and when they are relaxed you can talk to them calmly.
Hugs Strengthens Your Bond With Others
As hugging helps to release the 'bonding hormone' it gives feeling of closeness. It helps to promote bonding between two people, whether it's friend and friend, husband and wife, or mother and child.
Hugging your friends, or your partner can help show you are comfortable with them, show them you are there for them and help to improve your relationship. Hugging your children shows them they are safe, comfortable, protected and loved. Your children will learn to recognise your scent, listen to your body and feel close and comforted with you around.
Hugs Help You Communicate
As I previously mentioned, hugging can help strengthen bonds. This happens by showing support, but also by showing slight vulnerability and expressing your emotions. Hugging is comforting and communicative, even without uttering a word. Giving someone a hug can show a huge range of emotions from sympathy, love, comfort, or empathy, without even having to speak.
Hugs Help Alleviate Loneliness
Oxytocin helps reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness, and a lack of human contact can leave you feeling isolated or craving affection. Sadly, the world we live in now there is far less human contact or affection due to technology being so distracting. We switch on social media and switch off from others around us, and that is why the feeling of loneliness is so high nowadays. So switch off from technology more and be in the moment. Show more physical affection to those around you and we will all start to feel a lot less lonely.
Hugs Show Others How Much You Care
Hugging is a wonderful way of showing loved ones how much you care. A hug shows support, it shows love, understanding and the idea that you are there for them. As I mentioned above, a lack of physical affection can be damaging to our wellbeing, so we should all want to lift each other up and prove to them how much you appreciate them.
When it comes to your children, there is absolutely no such thing as spoiling them with love. No matter when anyone says, shower your babies with physical affection and they'll know just how much you care for them.
Hugging Makes You Physically Feel Better
The stress reducing effects of hugging also has health benefits too. Hugging releases tension, improves circulation, lowers your heart rate and causes your muscles to relax. It has also been scientifically proven that the increase in oxytocin can help strengthen immune systems!
Did you know that when you are feeling aggravated or stressed, your immune system starts to work more aggressively, too aggressively which can actually increase your risk of becoming ill. So hug it out, relieve your stress and keep your immune system working well.
Hugs Create Happy, Loving Children
Children need different types of sensory stimulation for development, so hugging is important to grow a healthy brain and strong body. It has been scientifically proven that showing warmth and affection to your children has a lifelong positive effect on not only your children, but their future family too as they learn from us. If we are loving and affectionate, they will grow up to be the same. Be sure to teach your children it's ok to refuse a hug too though. They are in charge of their own bodies.
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