Unpacking Cyberbullying

*This is a collaborative post

Bullying is everywhere. It happens in the classroom, in technology, on playdates with friends, at school events - even at home.

Kids might lie about being cyberbullied - their stories can be hard to believe since it's so easy to make things up on the Internet.

If you suspect that your child is being cyber-bullied,

Here Are Some Tips To Find Out:

  1. Know The Signs That Your Child Is Being Cyberbullying

There are several signs to look for if you believe your child is being bullied online. First, they may become more reclusive than usual and might even change the way they dress or start coming home later from school. 

Second, suppose a parent notices a sudden drop in grades or a lack of interest towards things that were once enjoyed. In that case, it could be because their child is being cyber-bullied on social networking websites such as Facebook or Instagram.

Therefore, use parental control software such as Family Orbit company to periodically check your children's computer history; if you see something suspicious, talk to them. 

  1. Understand What Cyberbullying Entails

Bullying on social media websites happens frequently, and it is important for parents to understand how these sites work so they can have a dialogue with their children about them. 

If parents feel as though their child may have been being cyberbullied, they should talk to their child about what social media sites they are using. By knowing what these sites entail, parents can talk with their children about how to protect themselves.

  1. Discuss Rules And Consequences With Your Children

Once you have recognized some of the signs that your child might be being cyber-bullied, sit down and have a conversation with them. 

Explain to them that you understand that this is happening and what the consequences may be if it continues. You should also discuss rules for staying safe on these websites and a plan for what they should do if they see something wrong occurring online.

  1. Respond Calmly When Discussing Incidents Of Cyberbullying

Although it may be difficult for parents who have found out that their children are being bullied through technology, staying calm while the situation is addressed is very important. 

You don't want your child to feel as though there is no hope or that things cannot be improved, which could happen if you respond harshly when discussing the problem. By remaining calm, you can open up an honest dialogue with your child and let them know that they are not alone.

Remember, your child might feel embarrassed should he or she be a victim of cyberbullying. So keep an open line of communication with your child, no matter how challenging it may be for them to talk about their experiences. This means being patient and allowing them time to process what happened - never force or bribe them into speaking out against cyberbullies, either. 

  1. Teach Children How To Use Technology Responsibly

In order to keep your child from becoming a victim of bullying through social media, parents need to make sure their children are using technology responsibly. You can do this by sitting down with your child as often as possible as well as checking in with them occasionally throughout the day, even if they already know how to use these devices properly. This will help you to monitor what they are doing and why.

  1. Consider Speaking With The School About Your Child's Situation

In some cases, a parent may feel as though speaking with their child about their issues is not enough. If this is the case, you should consider speaking to someone at your child's school so that one professional can help them through this issue together. 

If you do choose to approach the school with these concerns, be sure to ask for assistance and guidance instead of demanding immediate action so that your child will be properly taken care of by those who specialize in dealing with these types of problems.


Parents need to know these signs of cyberbullying in order to understand how to help their children when they are being targeted online by another student. Whether your child is talking about suicide or giving away belongings, there could be serious consequences if action isn't taken immediately. 

Parents should speak out against cyber-bullying before more students are affected by this type of negative behaviour so that they can have full support from their school administration. If your child is being targeted with these harmful posts, you should monitor them closely to ensure that they are safe. If the situation doesn't get better within a few weeks, you should speak to someone at your child's school or contact a professional.

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