Must-See Places in Bali and Thailand

Must-See Places in Bali and Thailand

* This is a collaborative post

The burning question of the hour is which is a better option for your upcoming vacation to explore Southeast Asia- Bali or Thailand?

A trip to Thailand or Bali depends on what you are looking for as it is a tough choice since they are both beautiful destinations with fascinating cultures, and have plenty of options to experience.

Bali known as the Island of the Gods is famed for its mystical temples, world-class surf spots, and vibrant art scene. Thailand known as the “Land of Smiles “ offers a diverse range of experiences, from the bustling streets of Bangkok to the tranquil islands of Krabi and Phuket.

Key highlights in Bali include the iconic Uluwatu Temple, known for its breathtaking cliff-top views and traditional Kecak dance performances. From pristine beaches and world-class surfing and diving spots to lush jungles for hiking and exploring, Bali offers an array of natural wonders to indulge in.
Unique aspects that attract tourists to Thailand are its rich cultural heritage and historical landmarks. From the gleaming Grand Palace in Bangkok to the ancient ruins of Ayutthaya, Thailand offers a glimpse into its majestic past.

Deciding on your Southeast Asia is going to solely depend on your preferences, the time of year, and the required surroundings available on a budget. Both Bali and Thailand offer once-in-a-lifetime experiences with beautiful sights, adventure, and luxury.

Must-See Places in Bali and Thailand

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Culture Park
Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park, or GWK is one of the prime attractions of the Bali Packages. This tourist attraction is located in Ungasan, Badung on the island of Bali, Indonesia. It is devoted to Hindu Vishnu, and his mount Garuda, the mythical bird that became his companion. It presents the limestone plateau with a beautiful serene park in southern Bali. This sixty-hectare park offers a place to watch art and cultural performances and observe exhibitions, each emanating charm and unique interest. The main highlight is the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue. The grand and captivating statue is inspired by a famous story in Hindu mythology about the search for Amerta or the elixir of life. The story has now been immortalized by a 75-m tall, 65-meter-wide statue designed by Nyoman Nuarta. Combined with the pedestal it sits on, the monument's height is 1221 m, which is nearly thirty m taller than the Statue of Liberty in the United States. Every day from 6.30 PM visitors can witness the ancient Kecak dance at GWK’S Amphitheatre. With a heart-pumping combination of fire and chants, the event becomes an instant favourite for those who watch it firsthand.

Sanctuary Of Truth, Thailand
One of the highlights of the Thailand Packages is the Sanctuary of Truth, located on the beach in North Pattaya. It is an amazing wooden building that has been under construction for more than twenty years, and it may take another fifteen before it gets finished. The huge building is more than a hundred m high and has delicate carvings done by hand. It is also called Prasat Satchatham or Prasat Sut Ja-Tum and is not in use as a temple. Buddhist and Hindu beliefs inspire the architectural style. Each of the four corners has a tower with figures from Thai, Cambodian, Indian, and Chinese beliefs and legends. The wooden art is used to express the beliefs of Eastern philosophy as the carvings represent scenes from the ancient Indian epics Mahabharat and Ramayana. They tell tales about the battle of good versus evil, wisdom versus ignorance. It was created by Thai millionaire Khun Lek Viriyaphant, who was very much interested in preserving Thai culture and history. Ancient Eastern pearls of wisdom, like the belief that materialistic things are temporary, while truth, goodness, and happiness are eternal, are told through the carvings.

Scuba Diving, Bali
Beaches in Bali are not just beautiful on the surface but provide a thrilling experience underwater too. From shipwreck remains at Tulamben to the largest rock reef site at Pemuteran, Bali has an adventure for all kinds and levels of divers. It is best to go diving during the dry months, and a great place to start would be the Nusa Penida island. Tulamben is a coastal village in East Bali and is popular amongst divers. It offers excellent visibility throughout the year with diving spots that cater to the armature and advanced divers. With high chances of spotting dolphins, octopus, sunfish, and sea turtles, it is a wonderful spot for marine photography. The USA Liberty shipwreck is the main attraction at Tulamben and a coveted spot for diving in Bali. It was a cargo ship that had been hit by a Japanese submarine torpedo during World War Second as it rested 30 m deep in the ocean after US and Dutch efforts to tow it to the seaport failed. Amed Beach lies twenty-five km from Tulamben and is well-known amongst keen divers. It was once famous for its traditional salt farming, today the beach sees a huge footfall of divers eager to explore the seaside village of Jemeluk Bay. For avid snorkelers and divers, the view of Jemeluk Bay with Mount Agung in the background is iconic.

Must-See Places in Bali and Thailand

Khao Yai National Park, Thailand
Khao Yai National Park is the first and also the third largest national park in Thailand. And was established in 1962 covering an area of more than two thousand square km of forest and grassland in central Thailand. It is one of the most diverse parts of Thailand, where you will find wildlife like monkeys, deer, elephants, macaques, and hundreds of other unique species. It is incredibly beautiful too as it is jam-packed with natural wonders like stunning waterfalls including the 150m-tall Haew Narok and 20m-tall Haew Suwat, natural caves, deep rainforests, and gorgeous scenery. Camping is one of the most popular things to do here, which is why there are plenty of campsites dotted around Khao Yai National Park. There are more than fifty km of hiking and biking trails that wind through the long-standing nature preserve.

Tirta Empul
Tirta Empul was built in 962 AD during the reign of the Warmadewa dynasty. Pura Tirta Empul or Holy Water Temple, is the legacy of traditional good versus evil tales. It is home to a holy mountain spring that feeds the Pakerisan River and is worshipped for its ritual purification by devotees. On any normal day, the temple is filled with devotees praying and cleansing themselves in the crystal-clear water of the purification pools. Tourists are allowed to take the ritual bath. It is a gorgeous tenth-century structure dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is revered by the Balinese Hindus. But on days of festivals like Galungan and Kuningan, the whole island comes alive and the temple teems with locals who celebrate the victory of good over evil via a series of rituals. Carved out of stone, these pools are filled with holy spring water released from thirty fountainheads. Devotees stand in line in waist-high water and start bathing under the first spout on the left. Next, they join the line to the 2nd spout and this goes on till the eleventh spout.

Blessed with stunning landscapes, vibrant cultures, and rich histories these two Southeast Asian gens have a lot to offer. And choosing between them can be a daunting task for any traveller.


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