9 Easy Tips For Protecting Your Family Home
Your home is supposed to be your safe place, your sanctuary for you and your family. Unfortunately, burglars don't care about that. It's a fact that burglars strike every 21 seconds, so keeping your home as safe and secure as possible is essential for you, your family and your belongings inside. You may think that just locking your door at night, or when you are not in is good enough, but it's not. Nowadays, burglars tend to strike more in the daytime than during the night as it's more likely that you will not be home to disturb them. There are a few simple steps you can take to protect your home, little things we should all do - but probably forget to, or feel you don't need to. Unfortunately that's not the case.
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Add More Than One Lock To Your Doors
As I mentioned above, simply turning the key to lock your door isn't always good enough. 34% of burglars simply stroll in through your front door, so don't make it easy for them! Add one or more deadbolts to your door (front and back if you can). Get into the habit of locking yourself in when you're at home, or locking yourself out even if you're just in the garage or garden.
Lock Your Windows
Sure we all lock our doors when we leave the house, but I bet most of us don't lock our windows. Be sure to lock all windows when you are not at home and again, make sure they are closed before you step outside if you are the only adult at home. You can also purchase glass break sensors or window bars for extra protection.
Set Up Security Systems
Install a home alarm system to not only deter intruders, but to provide an quick response from emergency services if the worst should happen. You can purchase a camera to place outside your home, but this alone will not prevent attacks. Wifi/Mobile enabled, motion detectors, night vision - there are a lot of different options, so be sure you choose the right system for you. If you already have a burglar alarm in your home - use it! It's not one of those things that only needs to be used on certain occasions such as if you are going away overnight or on holiday. Use it every time you leave the house.
Keep Valuable Things Out Of Sight
It's something I was taught ever since I was a child, do not leave the house, even to go outside, leaving valuables clearly on show. From expensive mobile phones to laptops, cameras or even passports. Remove them from view at all times. I also recommend purchasing voile curtains or blinds that allow you to see outside, but prevent others from being able to see inside.
Set Up Automatic Electronics
If you are going out of the house, to the shop or away on holiday - use automatic electronics to trick intruders into thinking you are at home. Using timer switches to put radios or lights on can make it seem like someone is home at all times, putting intruders off trying to get inside your home.
Hide Weapons And Tools
Burglars don't often tend to bring their own tools, as that makes them look suspicious so they will grab whatever they can find outside your home, don't make it easy for them! Lock away all tools or ladders safely in a shed or garage.
Move Your Keys
Possibly the simplest one on this list to implement, but I bet it's the one we all forget to do. Move your keys away from all doors and windows at all times. Do not, whatever you do, leave them in the keyhole once you've locked the door behind you. If you have a glass window on your door, or your letterbox is fairly close to the keyhole, burglars can easily reach through and turn the key. Even if you think no one could possibly reach the keys, still move them. Keep them away from windows, out of sight and out of the keyhole!
Get Home/Contents Insurance
Be sure to pay for and renew your insurance. If you own your property, do some research and purchase home insurance to protect your home if anything should happen. As well as home insurance (and unless it's included on it), you'll also need contents insurance. If you are renting your property, this is the insurance you will need to protect or be able to replace your belongings if you were burgled.
Don't Announce A Holiday
And lastly, another incredibly easy tip, but one we probably all are guilty of doing at some point. Do not, whatever you do, announce you are going out for the day, or going away on holiday online. Cyber stalkers are everywhere, and you announcing when your home will be empty is plain stupid! Of course, you can tell your close friends and family in person, or even ask a close neighbour to park their car on your drive, or open and shut your curtains at night. Just do not, announce online when your home and belongings are up for grabs!
Do you feel your home is protected? Do you have any extra tips?
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