How To Tune Out From Technology
Technology has come so far, and it sure has some amazing benefits. The trouble is nowadays is that it can be quite addictive. Quick scroll on Facebook here, totally out of blue tweet there. Taking photos constantly to upload to Instagram. I know I need to learn how to tune out from technology! I grab a quick peek at my phone every few minutes, I waste time in the mornings just scrolling, scrolling for no particular reason. But I've recently decided to make an effort to switch off more, and here are some of my tips to help you too!
Set Regular Times To Check
Instead of wasting time, time you could be spending with little ones or getting ready for the day, set times when you're allowed to check your phone. 10 minutes when you're drinking your morning coffee, while your little ones nap or when they're tucked up in bed at night.
Put It Away
Similar to the above point, just put your phone away. Your little ones don't want to spend time with you, just to take photos. They dont want to go to the park with you, so you can just photograph them or sit on the bench on Facebook. They want you. You don't need your phone out all the time. Spend the time with them, be in the moment.
Now when it comes to nighttime, it's not so much about switching off to make the most of the time with your little ones, or making the most of the day. It's more about knowing when to switch off. When it's time to let your mind relax, unwind and eventually sleep! I really struggle with this as I am very much a night owl and used to always fall asleep watching Youtube or scrolling on Instagram.
Stop Emailing Late At Night
This is what I used to do. Every night. When the little ones went to bed I used to have a big checklist I'd written in the morning, of everything I wanted to do that evening. Last on the list was catch up on emails.Truth is, it's very rare that the person you are emailing is going to respond at 2 am so surely it can wait! At this time of night, you're going to be way too tired to focus properly anyway.
Create A Better Bedtime Routine
We all need time to wind down before we go to sleep. So instead of spending the last seconds you are awake, on your phone - put it down! Create a new, better, healthier routine and stick with it. Whether it's having a warm bath before bed or making a hot chocolate and reading that book. (You know, the one that's been on your shelf for months that you've been meaning to read!). Disconnect from all technology at least half an hour before you want to go to sleep.
Turn It Off
I've been doing this for a while, but that's only because my phone gets really hot sometimes! Turning your phone off before you get into bed not only stops you scrolling when you should be snoozing, but it stops those annoying notifications waking you up!
Why not challenge yourself to tune out from technology a bit more?
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