Celebrate World Book Day With Fun Book Themed Activities!
Happy World Book Day! I bet many of you have been struggling to try to find costumes for your little ones for school? Maybe the teachers decided it would be a good idea to have a very specific theme, which your child has never read any of the books and you had absolutely no clue how to make a costume for it. Or maybe you even had to dress a potato?! (Yes, I've heard that's a thing now too) but for anyone like me, your little ones aren't at school yet so they don't have the joy of dressing up!
So I thought, what better way to celebrate World Book Day with little ones than to do some fun book-themed activities! We've done quite a few book-themed activities in the past, so I thought I'd share them all with you today!
What's your little one's favourite book? We have quite a few firm favourites in this house and that, of course, includes The Gruffalo!
If your little ones love The Gruffalo too, why not celebrate it by painting some cute character wooden spoon puppets, doing some Gruffalo colouring or perhaps even making your own Gruffalo Crumble! Yum!
As much as we love The Gruffalo, we are big fans of all the Julia Donaldson/Axel Scheffer books! Another one we love is Room On The Broom! It's such a fun book to read (and my little guy loves any book with dragons in at the moment!).
How about making some spooky potion like The Witch does in the story, or maybe even make some chocolatey witch hats! Both of these activities are really fun, but also really simple to do, and tasty too! (Well the hats, the potion..not so much!)
Heading back to a classic book now, it was originally released in 1969 but it's still such a popular book now - The Very Hungry Caterpillar! Little ones of all ages seem to love this book, and it's a great way to teach them about metamorphosis.
Why not make some super cute caterpillars using eggboxes, paint & pipe cleaners. They're really cute and easy to make too! Or how about painting some beautiful butterflies? Using the ever so delicate 'fold over and smoosh' method. Let your little ones paint one side of the paper, and fold it in half, then cut it and into a butterfly shape!
We do love our classic fairy tales in this house too, so why not do some messy activities based on the good old Goldilocks & The 3 Bears!
Why not make a tasty bear themed snack! Using toast, chocolate spread (or peanut butter), bananas, raisins and blueberries to make these fun bear faces!
(You might be able to tell by now, we like doing activities we can eat! Haha)
Or what about making some porridge playdough and have a picnic with your bears?
Another Julia Donaldson story now, and it was my little girlie's first 'favourite book' - A Squash & A Squeeze!
How about making some fun SNAP! cards with all the animals from the story? Or you could do what we did and make a little house out of card, find lots of little figures for the characters and see if your little ones can squash and squeeze them into the house together!
Last but not least - The Tiger Who Came To Tea! I love this book so much as I remember reading it so much when I was little, now my little ones love it too!
Your little could celebrate their fondness for the book by making some cute little gingerbread biscuits in a tiger shape! (The Tiger could eat them when he pops round for tea again!) or how about making some simple tiger masks using paper plates!
Do your little ones have a favourite book?
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