Little Things To Do That Your Future Self Will Thank You For

If you are feeling uninspired or unmotivated, do something to change your life today. You need to fight for what you want, you need to plan ahead and even small changes can make a big difference to your life. Try and tick a few of these things off today, and your future self will thank you!

Sort Out Your Wardrobe
Go through your wardrobe and give it a good declutter. Fill up a bag of items to take to the charity shop, things that you don't wear or don't fit. Not only will this benefit others by donating to charity, but it will save you a lot of time in the future when deciding what to wear!

Automatically Transfer Money To Savings Account
Set up a standing order to automatically transfer some money on payday to your savings account. Even a few pounds every month can soon build up, and if it comes out straight away, you'll begin to not even notice it going. I've got a fantastic little set up with my bank, that means every time I pay on my card (which is pretty much every time I go to the shop) it rounds up the amount I spend to the nearest pound, and transfers those pennies into my savings account. It's a fantastic way to save without really noticing, I strongly suggest you see if your bank does this too!

Organise A Date With Friends
Spending quality time with your friends is so important. You might have 100 friends, you might only have a few but make some time every month to see those closest to you. Organise a date in advance to make sure you get a chance to see each other as regularly as possible. 

Get Into The Habit Of Taking Time For Yourself Everyday
Looking after yourself is so important, and spending quality time alone is one of the best things you can do when you need to recharge your batteries. Start scheduling quality time just for you, and you'll thank yourself when it starts becoming a habit.

Leave Money In Your Coat Or Bag
Oh this is one of my favourite things to do for myself as and when I can. It works particularly well when the seasons are changing too. For example, leave £5 or £10 pounds in your winter coat pocket, as winter is turning into spring. You'll soon forget it's there, and you'll high five yourself when you discover it again in a few months. OR if you don't want to leave it that long, you could tuck a note behind your least used cards in your purse, and you'll discover it again at a later date. 

Book A Holiday
Book a weekend away or a holiday a while in advance, even up to a year in advance. Pay for it as soon as you can and you'll have something to look forward to for months! It'll make it more exciting, and you'll definitely thank yourself for taking that leap and booking something early!

Fill Your Diary/Calendar Up
One thing I've started doing more now is writing down important dates and things to remember as soon as they come up. Say you did book a holiday, or a date with friends - write it down there and then! Or perhaps you got a letter for the various holiday and inset days for school, write it down straight away! You'll be so glad you did when you've got too much on your mind later on and have completely forgotten!

Spend Time With Your Family
Make sure you set time aside to spend with your family and those you are closest too. Even if it's just an afternoon of drinking tea and catching up. Ensure it becomes a regular occurrence, and don't let little things get in the way of family time.

Cook A Big Batch Of Food And Freeze
Such a genius idea and really easy to implement. Cook a big batch of whatever you are having for dinner, or do it with every dinner - portion out the extras into seperate tubs and freeze. You'll be so thankful for this in the future when you haven't got anything to eat, or perhaps you're not feeling well but you still need to make dinner!

Write A To-Do List For Following Day
Something I do every single night, without fail. Grab your diary and check what you've got going on the following day. Make a to-do list, even if it's just a few things to tick off the following day. (Make sure you add a few easily achievable things too though, like taking time out for you, or sitting down and drinking a cuppa while it's hot!) It will stop you forgetting anything, and encourage you to make the most of every day.

Plan A List Of Goals And Steps, And Take That First Step
I absolutely love writing goal lists, and they are all well and good but if you haven't got a plan of how to achieve them, they aren't going to be ticked off the list anytime soon! So write down a list of goals for the week/month/year and steps to achieve each one. Then take that first step towards one goal there and then. Plus, if possible, you could even add the next step to tomorrow's to do list! ^ ^

Plan Your Outfit And Pack Your Bag For Tomorrow
Almost an essential thing to do when you have children, but plan and set out your outfit ready for the next day, each evening. (I recommend checking the weather beforehand!) It'll save you a task in the morning, and no faffing around searching for a particular item of clothing. As well as planning your outfit for the next day - get any bags ready too! Pack your handbag/changing bag/ kids lunchboxes ready in advance and it'll save you so much time in the morning!

So which item on the list will you be checking off today? 
How do you like to treat your future self?


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Little Things To Do That Your Future Self Will Thank You For

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