6 Weather Themed Activities For Kids

6 Weather Themed Activities For Kids
*This is a collaborative post

We've recently been learning about Weather for our home learning topic, so I thought I'd put together a list of some fun Weather themed crafts and experiments for children to enjoy!

These fun activities will help teach your little ones all about why different types of weather occur, encouraging them to talk about it and harness their natural curiosity - plus how to enjoy all the types of weather too. Can't beat a bit of learning through arts and crafts

Walking Rainbow Experiment

Walking Rainbow Experiment

If your child loves rainbows (I mean, who doesn't?) this little experiment would be perfect for them!

1. To start, you'll need one sheet of kitchen roll and fold it in half. We also cut ours into a more rainbow shape. 
2. Colour in the ends of the rainbow with felt tips in the colours of the rainbow, about 2cm from the bottom.
3. Place each end of the rainbow in a bowl or glass of water, so they are dipped slightly in the water.
4. Then watch the rainbow grow! It's so fun to watch!
5. Lastly, when you think the rainbow is complete, you can leave it on a plate to dry!

Rainbow Wind Blowers Craft 

Rainbow Wind Blowers Craft

We made these rainbow wind blowers a few years ago, but they're really cute and so effective! I definitely think we'll be making them again soon. They're perfect for playing with outside on a windy day, watching the wind blow through them! 

You can find out how we made them here!

Happy Rain Cloud Craft
Happy Rain Cloud Craft

This happy rain cloud is so much fun to make, and it looks super freaking adorable. We made these last year and they're still hung up on display in their bedroom! 

It's the perfect craft for celebrating those rainy days, and ensuring you all have fun - whatever the weather! The hanging clouds look so cute hung up in the window so the sun can shine through!

You can find out how we made them here!

Shaving Foam Rain Cloud Experiment

Shaving Foam Rain Cloud Experiment

One things my eldest two really enjoyed learning about while doing our weather topic, was rain! How rain is formed, why clouds change colour and what causes rain to fall! 

This experiment is perfect for teaching your little ones all about rain and it's so easy to do too!

1. Start by filling a clear glass or jar 3/4 full of water.
2. Fill the last 1/4 of the glass with shaving foam.
3. Mix some blue food colouring with water in a little seperate bowl and using a pipette (calpol syringes work amazingly well!) gently squeeze some blue water on top of the shaving foam "clouds" and wait. Give it a minute or two, and the rain will soon start to fall through the clouds. 
4. Add some more "raindrops" and watch it happen again!

Rain Collector Jars Craft

Rain Collector Jars Craft

Even though it's Summer, there's always going to be plenty of rainy days! These cute rain collector jars are the perfect way to spend a grey day, as well as encouraging your little ones to celebrate the rainy weather, and learn about it too - by finding out how much rain has fallen in any given time.

You can find out how we made them here!
Snow Dough Sensory Play Activity

Snow Dough Sensory Play Activity

We actually made this as a more seasonal festive activity last year, but I feel it's very appropriate for a weather themed topic too! It's so easy to make, and great fun to play with. Plus it makes a great sensory activity for young children too! You can find out how we made it here!

What do you think of these ideas? 
Will you be giving any of them a go with your children?

Rainbow Wind Blowers Craft
Happy Rain Cloud Craft
Rain Collector Jars Craft
Shaving Foam Rain Cloud Experiment
Walking Rainbow Experiment
Snow Dough Sensory Play Activity

6 Weather Themed Activities For Kids

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